Movement Specialist | Contact Us

At ORS Physical Therapy rehab centers, we understand the frustration pain can cause to everyday life and tasks. We have the movement specialist and pain rehab techniques to deliver the mobility you need. Our movement specialists and chiropractic professionals restore and improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent further injury through holistic methods. A well-known fixture in the Rockford community, ORSPT has the movement specialist you need.

Offering non-invasive options to restore mobility and improve quality of life, ORSPT sets the standard for pain rehab and mobility therapy near Rockford. The county seat of Winnebago County, IL, is Rockford on the banks of the Rock River. Over 150,000 residents of Rockford enjoy beautiful parks and forest preserves in the logistics and transportation industry-friendly city. We provide natural medical care and movement specialist to give you longer results.

The professionals at ORSPT are waiting to serve the Rockford community with the movement specialist to relieve your joint pain-needs. We strive to provide individualized patient care with comprehensive mobility improvement plans. Our offices accept most insurance carriers for physical rehab and pain rehab needs. Patients experience attentive and compassionate care from our licensed and certified chiropractic and movement specialist team. Call the friendly staff of ORS Physical Therapy today. You will be glad you did!

Rockford Movement Specialist