Joint Replacement | Contact Us

Orthopedic Rehabilitation Services offers premier joint replacement surgery rehab in the Rockford area to help you recover post-surgery. Allowing ORS to provide your joint replacement surgery rehab means you will have a plan of care developed specifically for you! We understand that every patient, surgery, and recovery is different. ORS understands how important proper joint replacement surgery rehab is to find the best quality of life! We are proud to bring our services to Rockford locals.

Do not wait to line up your joint replacement surgery rehab with ORS if you are near Rockford. Rockford, IL, is a beautiful city located on the banks of the Rock River. With a booming population of over 145,000, Rockford is the largest city outside the Chicago Metropolitan Area. Rockford has many significant venues and is home to multiple historical and cultural sites. Find yourself exploring beautiful Rockford in no time when you choose ORS for your joint replacement surgery rehab.

Joint replacement surgery rehab from ORS gives you an entire team of therapists who will work together to design the best recovery possible. Do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns! The professional team at Orthopedic Rehabilitation Services is willing and ready to answer all your questions about joint replacement surgery rehab. Our free consultation will give you clear insight into the process from beginning to end. Call us today!

Rockford Joint Replacement Surgery Rehab