Vertigo Treatment | Contact Us

At ORS Physical Therapy, we are serious about helping our patients gain relief from vertigo and its debilitating symptoms through proven vertigo treatment. Whether you need chronic or sporadic vertigo therapy, we have the treatment plans that take into consideration the unique needs, abilities and objectives of each person we treat. ORS’s vertigo treatment center in Dixon has the team to develop a vertigo treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Dixon Vertigo Therapy

At ORS, we have been honored and pleased to serve our patients in Dixon with caring, quality and affordable vertigo therapy in our vertigo treatment center. Located along the scenic Rock River in northwestern Illinois, Dixon is a thriving community of 16,000 and serves as the county seat of Lee County. Dixon is a regional employment hub and is part of two fast-growing distribution, food processing and warehousing districts.

Dixon Vertigo Treatment Center

When you visit ORS’s vertigo treatment center, you will feel our dedication to helping patients achieve the maximum level of relief through vertigo therapy. We work to provide you a positive vertigo treatment experience in a comfortable, local setting. ORS will schedule your vertigo therapy appointment in days, not weeks because we value the connection we build with our patients. Call the friendly staff of ORS Physical Therapy today. You will be glad you did!

Dixon Vertigo Treatment | Dixon Vertigo Therapy | Dixon Vertigo Treatment Center