Massage Therapy | Contact Us

ORS Physical Therapy helps clients in the Dixon area find relief through massage therapy. Our versatile and educated team will create a personalized treatment plan to help you find the results you desire. At ORS, we utilize both physical therapy and massage therapy to find you relief. We work hard to identify the source of your discomfort for relief instead of only treating your symptoms. Have peace of mind when you work with ORS and massage therapy.

Dixon has a population of over 15,000, is located in Lee County, Illinois, and was the childhood home of former president Ronald Reagan. Dixon has many opportunities for active living! At ORS, we are passionate about helping you live your best life. We incorporate many things into our healing process, and you will greatly appreciate our use of massage therapy. Massage can bring relief that you cannot find from anything else!

ORS is conveniently located near Dixon, and our massage therapy services are very reputable in the Dixon area. The benefits of massage therapy are lasting and include stress relief, flexibility, an improved immune system, pain relief, and so much more. Do not turn your back on all of these benefits! At ORS Physical Therapy, we aim to have you feeling your best and treating the problem at its source.

Dixon Massage Therapy