Massage Therapist | Contact Us

When healing from an injury or surgical procedure, physical therapy, and massage therapy greatly help speed up the recovery process and can even help you avoid surgery. ORS Physical Therapy near Dixon is the reliable option for deep tissue massages that work! We have a group of hand-selected, licensed, and insured experts to work together to come up with your plan. Deep tissue massages are frequently implemented into the therapy process to improve circulation. ORS will make you feel better FASTER, and we are conveniently located near Dixon!

Dixon has a population of over 15,000, is located in Lee County, Illinois, and was the childhood home of former president Ronald Reagan. Dixon has many opportunities for active living! Many Dixon residents live life to the fullest and appreciate the help of ORS when dealing with chronic pain or injuries. We implement deep tissue massage to relieve pain and expedite the healing process. ORS has your best interests in mind!

Near Dixon, you can rely on ORS for deep tissue massages that help you heal more and hurt less. Your healing and comfort are our priority, and our licensed massage therapists know how to help you feel better with a deep-tissue massage. The expert massage therapists at ORS Physical Therapy are intentional with your deep tissue massage, catering to your needs. Call us today for a better quality of life!

Dixon Deep Tissue Massage