• Our Team

    Claudia Toldo PT, DPT, Cert DN, Cert SMT, Dip. Osteopractic (RCKFD)



    • Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Science, Carroll University, 2018
    • Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree, Carroll University, 2020


    • Licensed Physical Therapist (PT)
    • Doctor in Physical Therapy (DPT)
    • Certified Fall Prevention Specialist (CFPS)
    • Certified Dry Needling (Cert. DN)

    Treatment Specialties & Focus:

    • Experienced in the differential diagnosis of numerous musculoskeletal conditions.
    • Trained in treating vestibular dysfunction and balance disorders.
    • Pediatric physical therapy
    • Fellow-in-Training in the American Academy of Manipulative Therapy
    • Fellowship on Orthopaedic Manual Therapy
    • Orthopedics and chronic pain

    Hometown: Rockford, Illinois – Boylan High School Graduate.
    Favorite Team:St. Louis Cardinals.
    For Fun:I love to travel, hike, crochet, take my dog for a walk, babysit my nephews and niece, and spend time with family.
    Fun Fact:I studied abroad in Ireland for a semester in college and visited 7 other countries.